HSA is administred by:
Headquarter of HSA info@heraldry-africa.org
Count of Mparo, Viscount of Kahoora –Administration Director- administration.director@heraldry-africa.org
Countess of Kahoora, Viscountess of Mparo –Delegate of Their Majesties- delegate@heraldry-africa.org
International Directors –Continents
North America: His Beatitude Cherubim Abu-Seifen usa@heraldry-africa.org
Europe: europe@heraldry-africa.org
South America and Antarctica: Prof. Dr. Gabriel César Dias Lopes BA. Tech. Esp. MBA. MsC. PhD. DHC rector@unilogos.org
Asia: The Honourable Omukungu Kenneth Tse ken_ymt@yahoo.com.hk
International Directors –Countries
USA: His Beatitude Cherubim Abu-Seifein usa@heraldry-africa.org
FRANCE: Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. mult. François Maurice mauricefrancois40@laposte.net
SPAIN: Felipe Trujillo Jiménez spain@heraldry-africa.org
Hong Kong & Mainland China: Dr. Lewis Tei Luk lewis.t.luk@gmail.com